Patented Systems for

Ash Pond Remediation

Ash Pond Remediation Done Right

Patented technology

Leading ash beneficiation

Ash-TEK has developed patented technology that turns waste landfilled or ponded ash from coal fired power plants into a valued secondary cementitious material used in concrete.

Our Ponded Ash Beneficiation System (PABS) revolutionizes the utilization of waste landfilled or ponded ash from coal-fired power plants, transforming it into a secondary cementitious material supporting a circular economy while adding immense value to the concrete industry.

Ash generated by our PABS can be used to replace Portland Cement by as much at 40% lowering greenhouse gas emissions associated with concrete, reducing cost, meeting ASTM specifications, and improving chemical resistance.


Lowers Emissions and Improves Chemichal Resistance


Replace up to 40% Portland Cement


Produces Zero Waste Stream

Eco-Friendly Waste Disposal

We offer you a Proven solution to clean coal ash while minimizing environmental impact.

Zero Carbon waste & Zero Waste streams

Say goodbye to additional waste streams and hello to a sustainable future.

What we offer

Ponded Ash Beneficiation System (PABS)

The Ash-TEK PABS technology is designed as a multi stage, modular ash beneficiation plant turning waste ponded, carbon rich out of specification ash into a consistent ASTM class C or F Fly Ash for the cement/concrete industry.

Piloting & Testing

Ash-Tek provides accurate,  fully representative ash samples for concrete analysis through our advanced pilot testing facility.


We have a rigorous project management process which focuses on time, cost, and quality aspect of projects to ensure the proper installation for your needs.

Training & Support

From site selection and installation to training and future expansions, we provide the expertise needed to ensure optimal results. We are committed to your success.


How To Get Better Results

Our Company redefines your relationship with landfilled or ponded ash. Minimize your carbon footprint.
Take control of removing your hazardous waste today!


Consult Our Expert Team

We can help you take the next steps to meeting net zero goals in carbon emmisions by turning waste into a valued commodity.


Piloting & Testing

Starting a beneficiation project can be daunting and is a big commitment. For our customers it is important to understand what is involved and how the process will work.


Purchasing Options

We offer flexible purchasing options for purchasing or leasing our proprietary ash beneficiation system.

Your complete solution

Why choose us

Competition is advancing and while each has their own unique spin on the recovery of ponded or landfilled coal fly ash, only Ash-TEK generates high quality ash, more reliably and with low capital investment, related to other technologies, and is scalable to meet your needs.

Take Care of Nature

An eco-friendly solution that produces zero carbon waste and no waste streams while providing extreme consistency with less water usage. 


The process is scalable and can be designed for throughput as low as 90k tonnes per year and can be expanded to exceed 500k tonnes per year.


Ash-TEK is the only company capable of relocating its equipment from one facility to another and does not require deep foundations for operation.

Ground-Breaking Technology

Our patented systems can outproduce any other system currently available.

High Reliability

Only Ash-TEK has been able to deliver consistent final product from a wide variety of ash sources with varying chemistries, sizes and characteristics.

Lower Capital Cost

The Ash-TEK process can be installed at half the capital required for direct fired calcining or triboelectric separation and only one quarter of the required capital for fluidized bed calcining.

6174 NW 23rd Street

Boca Raton, FL 33434

918 851 5349

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Providing Ponded Ash Beneficiation Systems that benefit you and the environment.